The school is affiliated to CBSE board, New Delhi, School code: 71610, Affiliation Number: 2133445
Saint John Vianney School is committed to providing quality education for the all-round development of it's students, which would foster not only individual growth, but also awaken a keen desire in them, to make a positive contribution to society and the world at large. Saint John Vianney School places great emphasis on children's all-round development, moral character, and international exposure.Admission open for all classes.
April 27, 2020
May 25, 2020
July 31, 2020
We aim to preserve and enhance the highest standards of excellence and prepare capable, responsible citizens for the 21st century. We ensure that Saint John Vianney School students are helped to master the expanding horizons of technology as also become the repository of a deep commitment to Indian ethos and culture.
Develop the intellectual faculties of the students to the fullest, so as to make them highly alert and motivated individuals, equipped to take proper decisions, exercise right options, correct judgements, to evolve into smart and articulate individuals capable of expressing clearly, fluently and boldly.
Admission are open for
Academic Counselling
A legal career has a distinct life cycle
Current Openings
A child's spirit is nurtured by an inspiring school environment. The future of humanity rests upon what kind of environment is provided within the four walls of a school.
A child is a member of a family, a community and the world. It is important that schools integrate human education as integral part of their Broader, Bolder…
Education has mostly been about Material Education. It is assumed that with a good education, a child can get a good job and therefore lead a more comfortable life than…
The essential close collaborative relationships built and maintained between teachers, which enable the school to effectively support student learning and reading…
Sandeep Singh
Very nice school .In this school principal and all teacher are very strick through student .I am satisfy this school for bright our children future.
Karunesh Saxena
As a past faculty of the school. I wanna say that the school is so good & giving a great contribution in education as well as society.
Mohit Singh
St John Vianney School has been a nurturing environment for our children with an excellent academic environment and wonderful culture and community.
Aniket Gupta
Overall a great school which develops a good foundation for kids both in character building and educational fundamentals.