About Our Founder

Saint John Vianney was born on May 8, 1786 in the Village of Dardilly in France, After serving a time in the Army during the Napoleonic Period, he entered Seminary and became a Priest in 1815, He was a simple and humble person and he found favour in the eyes of God. He began visiting people, especially the sick and poor, spent many hours in prayer, did penance for the people and led the people by example. He spent long hours with people, who came for Peace and Reconciliation, in the Confessions. John Vianney died on 4th August 1859 at Ars. He was declared a Saint in 1925 by Pope Plus XII. His feast is observed on August 4th.
“The life of a teacher, as I know from personal experience, is very challenging and demanding, but it is also profoundly satisfying…” “Avarice is an inordinate love of riches and the good things of this life. Jesus Christ, to cure us of it, was born in extreme poverty, deprived of all comforts. He chose a Mother who was poor. He willed to pass as the Son of a humble workman.”
Founder Saint John Vianney